President Bush plans to talk to the Nation on Financial Crisis at 9:00 p.m. ET. 9/24/2008
Treasury Secretary Paulson and our Congress are working out details of the rescue plan for companies in the current financial crisis. No one really knows the impact of the rescue plan on the markets. The real question is will this bailout really work. No one really knows for sure. Americans and the rest of the world are hoping that it will work. President Bush is going to address the Nation on this situation tonight at 9:00 p.m. ET.
America is the greatest country in the world and the spirit that made it the greatest country in the world still lives. The spirit of the Americans that won the Revolution in 1776 and made this the greatest independent country in the world was the same spirit and the same courage that united this country after the Civil War, when men went back to their homes hungry and barefoot and began to reconstruct and build the new South.
It is the duty of both parties of congress to work together with Secretary Paulson and President Bush to make the rescue plan work.
I believe that after the end of this month we will have some very constructive measures that will be taken and the public confidence will be restored.
Those who follow the media crisis and the markets and who guess and gamble on hope are sure to lose, while those who successfully follow the science and mathematics of the market that we write about in Traders World magazine should make profits. There is a cause and effect for everything and by using time element and cycle theory everything can be mathematically determined. Trading or investing is the best business in the world if you make a business of it. But in order to make a success of it you must study and be prepared and not guess like so many do. Your success depends on knowing the right kind of rules and following them.
Larry Jacobs - Editor Traders World Magazine
Larry Jacobs - Editor Traders World Magazine
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